The REAL Doctrine of the Trinity

Apart from all of the heresies, ignorance, and slander, what is the real Doctrine of the Trinity? Learn about the historical teaching, and the philosophy, of the Logos and God’s self knowledge.
10 Church Fathers on Young Earth Creationism
In how many days did God create the world? And how old is the earth? Learn, here, about Young Earth Creationism, from the writings of the church fathers.
Saint Augustine on Peter & The Keys
Who received the keys? Who fed the Lord’s sheep? Learn the answers, here, from Saint Augustine of Hippo.
10 Church Fathers on Divine Simplicity

Learn about the Doctrine of Divine Simplicity (DDS) from the most ancient Christians. Here are 10 great quotes from the church fathers.
Holy Communion: Literal or Symbolic?

In Holy Communion, do we partake of the literal Body and Blood of Christ, or were Jesus’ words just metaphorical?
What Do The Church Fathers Say About Deuteronomy 18:18?

What do the church fathers say about Deuteronomy 18:18? Here are a few excerpts, from some of their writings.
10 Bible Verses about Fasting

What does the Holy Bible say about fasting? Here are 10 passages from the sacred scriptures.
10 Bible Verses about Humility

What does the Holy Bible say about humility? Here are 10 passages from the sacred scriptures.
An Exegesis of St. Basil’s Letter 234

What did St. Basil mean by “we know God from His operations?” Learn, here, about what he taught on how we can know God, in this exegesis of his 4th letter to Amphilochius.
Sola Scriptura: A Brief Refutation

Should all matters of faith be found, solely, in scripture? Learn here, about how Sola Scriptura is a self-refuting proposition.